Tuesday, December 18, 2007

plaguarism, via the 'plain white ts' (a band with several [and *only* several...] songs I like)

I can't stand to watch you go
Cause in my head deep down I know
I don't wanna live without you
I love the way we stay up late
The way you laugh at your mistakes
I love everything about you

Saturday, December 15, 2007

a series of short comments on my situation in life

I am excruciatingly content with life right now. It's the first time in a long time that I've been so... at peace with everything that's happening.

Most integral to my current state of mind (I think) is that my constant companions, restlessness and wanderlust, have been temporarily held at bay thanks to a recent trip to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan. Exploration of the holy land was the best thing that could have happened to me at this point in my life, when I felt like I was starting to flounder and lose sight of things that are important in favor of things that were definately less so. And now, with a renewed perspective and stronger will to love God above all else, I've had more peace in my soul over the past month than any time in recent memory.

My current employment is uncertain, but it's a good thing, and has (for the most part) added to my contentedness. I've been getting more and more uneasy there over the past month or two because a combination of two things: bad leadership and the growing knowledge that there's something bigger to seek. Again, I "blame" my trip to israel. Going to work was just... different after I got home. I felt no purpose in it, and for someone who's very used to moving forward with purpose, that quickly became unbearable. And so, I've given my notice, and I'm waiting for guidance as to where I should go next.

My family life is good. I (still) love my parents, who just got home from London tonight, and my brother is coming home for Christmas for two weeks. I haven't seen him for several months, and am always glad to spend time with him.

A couple of months ago I moved into a townhouse with a friend from work and her friend from college. We have ample space, a cat named oliver who is very, very silly, and a 70s 'boom-boom-room' in our basement. The house is warm (when we remember to turn on the heat), the roof doesn't leak (now that our pipes have been fixed), and my bed is more comfortable than your bed.

Finally, for two weeks now, I've been the happy girlfriend of a wonderful man who compliments my psyche in (at least seemingly) every way I could hope. He makes me laugh, he has quiet strength coupled with a gentle presence, and he's a man of God. He's the first guy I've ever met who will spend a half hour with me doing nothing else besides playing with my/his cat (anyone who knows me at all will know that's important!).... And he is, of course, quite handsome :)

Anyhow. That's me, for now. Lots of changes, all in good ways.



Wednesday, November 28, 2007

decisions, decisions...

My big decision of the night is whether to sleep around Oliver (anne's cat), or to make him move from the center of the bed so I can fit. Pro: I would be comfortable enough to go to sleep. Con: I might lose my bed buddy.


As a side note, I think The Cure's 'letter to elise' can make me kind of melancholy no matter how good a mood I'm in.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

An ode to the Beatles, with possibly, maybe, one of my favorite songs, which *also* happens to coincide with my current mood.

I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink.
I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink.
I wonder, should I get up and fix myself a drink?
No, no, no.
I'm so tired, I don't know what to do.
I'm so tired, My mind is set on you.
I wonder should I call you?
But I know what you would do...
You'd say I'm putting you on,
But it's no joke - it's doing me harm!
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain;
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane.
I'd give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

good and interesting!

This is me, being interesting, because Stephen said that I needed to be.

Actually, it's got nothing to do with me. It's just my favorite picture of a cow (that I took. I'm sure there are much better pictures of cows out and about, doing cowsy sorts of things).

This also reminds me that Mike downloaded Picassa for me, and I need to master it, and organize my photos. Maybe I'll spend most of tomorrow sitting at murky doing just that.

And THAT reminds me that Alex told me to get on last FM, so I should also do that... although if I'm honest I probably won't, because I really don't want the world knowing that "Yes. I DID just listen to Dido before bed."

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


There otter be a law! This is otterly ridiculous! Shake it like an otter-ass itcher!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

My Binary Name...

In case you were wondering:

010011010110000101110010011010010110000101101110011011100110 010100100000010001010010111000100000010010000110100101101110 0110010101110011

Sunday, July 01, 2007

random things...

+ I think that my guppy must be incredibly bored, all of the time. Maybe my blowfish is too, but especially my guppy.

+ Some fabrics were just NOT meant to be made into softies.

+ I wish that cut flowers lasted a lot longer than they really do.

+ Apparently I've developed allergies in one nostril only. Not in my eyes... not in my other nostril... only in one. This makes me feel weird... and not in a good way.

+ I bought a little easel today, and got out all of my paints and brushes, but couldn't think of anything to paint. And so I went downtown to paint with watercolors instead. Yay!

+ My iPod desperately needs some new and improved playlists. Additionally, the photos on my computer need to be organized. I don't know where any of them are located.

+ I signed up for Facebook last week, and I really feel like I'm missing something... it just doesn't seem that great...

+ Espresso being extracted through crushed hot peppers is not something that you want to drink if you want to have any tastebuds left.

+ It is time for a nice, hot bath.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Zombie Prom - a lovely couple

Saturday night was 'zombie prom 2007' at murky coffee. Everyone who is Anyone was there (er... well, the employees were there, anyway...) It was, to date, possibly the best murky party of all time.

Garth was my zombie date. He didn't want to be - he tried to fight me off, but then I ate his brainz.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

At the Arlington Civitan's Garage Sale this morning I bought a Kodak Duaflex II Camera. It only accepts 620 film, and was produced between 1950 -1954... I'm hunting online for film right now, and hopefully will be able to start taking some incredibly awesome photos very soon! I feel all starry-eyed and excited... ^_^

Monday, March 12, 2007

300 reasons to see '300'

I'm sure someone has thought of 300 reasons, but it's not going to be me. I have a thesis to finish up. I will, however, tell you that you should see this movie. That's right, a blatant plug.

Let me just start by saying that I thought I'd appreciate this film for being pretty, and probably not that much else.

I was wrong.

We saw it on Friday afternoon, and it was just amazing. I know it's gotten mixed reviews, especially as far as the story goes, but it's an epic film, and the visuals are simply stunning. There wasn't any moment when I wasn't engrosed - because of the story, yes, but also because I didn't want to take my eyes off of the screen for fear of missing something beautiful. There's also the argument of whether it's pro- or anti- Bush, but I'm not going to gander. And let's be honest. I don't really care. After art school I know that any artistic medium can be over-analysed, and to immediately take this film about war and insist that it has to be one or the other simply because we're at war right now isn't what the film is about. To me it just detracts from it. Leave the politics to the politicians, and let this film stand on its own as an artistic breath of fresh air from an industry that has recently been turning out more politically-biased sludge than my darling DC. Seriously. I read the paper when I want to think about politics. I go to the movies when I want to be entertained.

Anyhow, with that out of the way... This movie shows a tight-knit group of men who believe in comraderie, backbone, pride (the good kind), self-sacrificing love, and dedication.
Also, basically, it was a visual tour de force. Snyder did a magnificent job bring the pages of Miller's graphic novel to life while staying true to its origins in comic-land. The dark wash over the entire movie, the sparse use of color, etc, etc... it just read as a graphic novel... only on a movie screen.

Of course people disagree with me. 'Mixed reviews' means just that. But for anyone who wants a graphic punch accompanied by, yes, a little violence (haha... a little?) - go see this film!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Originally uploaded by domo_arigato.
I'm not allowed to have pets at my new apartment, but my land-lady has graciously allowed me to get a fish! And that fish is...


He's a figure-eight puffer, who is endearing, adorable, and at the moment a bit shy.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Murky in the News

Murky Coffee was just featured in the Washington Post's food section. Hooray for us!! There were actually two mentions:

Wake Up and Cup the Coffee

Worth the trip: Hot Chocolate

Also, btw, this $5 Hot Chocolate that they photographed? I MADE IT! My hot chocolate was in the Post. I'm so, totally famous, man.