Sunday, April 09, 2006

weekend wear

I just want to say that I feel like I've been watching 'what not to wear' ALL. WEEKEND. LONG!!

No, really. All weekend long.

But that's just how it seems. In actuality, I've spent about 20 hours drafting and rendering things for my office design class, eaten a (delicious!) Russian dinner prepared by Michelle, played with my cat, hung out with Garth, waited for AAA to jumpstart my car battery, spent an hour at the bank, and took lots of pictures. Oh! And we ate at Outback on Friday night. I'm *still* full.

For a good chunk of the time I've been drafting, though, I was watching TV, and somehow 'what not to wear' was on my television for about 3/4 of that time. And right now is no exception. IT'S ON AGAIN! I'm pretty sure it's a weekend-long marathon, because it was really (no, SERIOUSLY) on all the time.

I'm not complaining though, I [heart] that show!

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