Thursday, August 24, 2006


I'm not sure if I mentioned it when it happened, like a month ago, but I got a kid's bike at a yardsale. It was $30. But then I started riding it a lot and my right knee went CRAZY on me. As in c-r-a-z-y. I'd be sitting on the couch and suddenly I felt like someone had hit me in the knee with a hammer. Regardless... this is the bike. It's purple, and has a sticker that says "AWESOME" on it. Eventually I'm going to gussy it up with a "Counter Culture Coffee" sticker, and a few misc. stickers I have laying around (probably including one of the GammaGo Yeti stickers Timoni gave me a while back, and assorted Tare Panda representations :)

So I've been thinking and thinking about what to do, and I *think* I just need a better bike. One that actually fits me, and that all of the gears work on. At the moment I have my eye on the bike Kiki suggested ages ago on this very blog (thanks, Kiki!!) It's the Paul Frank 'Scurvy' chopper. It's pretty cute, and also fits my criteria of a. Pink, and b. a basket. I also want what my legendary 'Pink Lady' had - a light that was powered by your peddling (if you'd turned it on). Two out of Three isn't bad, though... But I'm not sure how functional it actually is, so I'm still looking around.

Plus, I'm going to New York this weekend, and I don't want to spend $300 on a bike before I get a chance to spend that money on millions of clothes from NYC ^_^


Marianne said...

I'm commenting on myself. That helmet makes my head look enormous. Am I a dwarf?!

timoni said...

No, you're not a dwarf. :P And yeah, that pink bike looks AWESOME! Seriously, when you get it you and I will have to ride around town and everybody can ooo and ahhh at our awesome bikes. :)

I'm getting that same basket too...(the black wire one). Ha!

timoni said...

(Also, does that Paul Frank bike really leave skull tire tracks?? SO CUTE!)