Timoni, I saw it! I saw a news report on CNN about "Matrix Dominatrix Condie Rice"! Haha. Wow... That just cracks me up.
Geoff, wanna go see Enon with me and Timoni on March 25? I think we're going to go, so if you wanna come along...
Ok, enough with the personal notes.
This weekend, as I read the Washington Post Magazine, a certain page caught my eye. Just like looking at the deep red of a setting sun, I found that I couldn't look away... from the full-page image of a flabby, cellulite-covered stomach hanging out over faded, too-tight, spandex undies. Apparently it was an ad for some plastic surgery place in Maryland. And down in the bottom corners were the nice little "Before" and "After" pictures. I was kinda grossed out but also a little intrigued. I found out (through my sleuthlike skills o' deduction... ie-reading the top of the page) that the head doctor's name was Byron Poindexter. I felt as though someone needs to inform him that he's missed his calling. It is highly probable that a man with the name "Poindexter" is not going to be good looking, and why would you get pastic surgery from a non-good-looking person? You wouldn't. No, a man with the name "Poindexter" is supposed to be in a basement lab, wearing pocket protectors and tapping the tips of his fingers together as he squints beady little eyes to the ceiling and cackles ruthlessly about his plan to conquer the world through computer programming.
(Many apologies if you're an ultra hip computer programmer. You're allowed to be. Unless your last name is Poindexter.)
I completely agree. No Poindexters are good looking, at least not in this century. Maybe back in 1910 you could have a dashing Poindexter break some Emily's heart. But not nowadays.
I just realized I am going to be out of town the weekend of the 25th. So I miss both the Enon and French Kicks shows. That is TEH SUCK.
as an ultra-hip computer programmer, i take deep, personal offense.
So much for meeting you at the coffee shop! It's over, woman!
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