Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I ask you:

When are Doc Marten's going to come back into style? I mean, yes, for some of us, they were never OUT of style. But I can only think of two or three people in the general population that I've seen wearing them in the last month...

That, to me, is WIERD. I mean, I'm wearing mine right now, and for at least the past 8 years this one pair has been my good companion during the winter months (and occasionally during the summer). 8 YEARS! I paid, I think, about 65 pounds for these in London, which probably was around $80 at the time. That's 10 dollars a year. And they remain the most comfortable, and probably the most sturdy, shoe I own.

Anyways. My point is, fashion comes and goes, and I remember in the mid-90s, when I got these, that almost everyone had a pair, even very, very preppy people, because omigosh, they're just so darn great!

So c'mon people, support the Doc Marten stock!


timoni said...

I have to say, whatever piece of my heart belonged to Doc Martens has been given to Dansko instead, because I love, love, love my Danskos to death and I don't think I've worn my Docs in like three years. I loved them at the time, but now the soles seem a little thin and I feel like I'm wearing slightly dressy, wing-tip-y shoes when I put them on now. But soles are getting thinner in general on shoes again, so maybe I can pull them out in a few years. If not me, I'm sure my kids will enjoy them. :)

Marianne said...

It's true, your Danskos are adorable. I don't blame you! I still love my Docs though; possibly because I don't own Danskos :)

Anonymous said...

I love Docs. Do you still have those blue ones I gave you? I cry about them sometimes that they were too small. And hey, I was in London 9 years ago and 60pounds was like 110 dollars!
