Saturday, December 24, 2005

Holidays and Happiness! - days 6 & 7

This week was stressful, but fulfilling - I FINALLY got my little present for Garth after much horrible dealing with un-sympathetic UPS (they are STUPID!!!) But anyways. The bad part is over now, and my darling Garth has his precious new little pet (named "Tomato", when we discovered that she loves tomatoes!)

After spending time with Garth and Tomato, I got to go visit Ginny in Fredericksburg - It is always so WONDERFUL to see her. She's one of the best people I've ever known (EVER!). Ginny - it's true. ^_^ We are kindred spirits, indeed!


Ginny said...

You look oh-so-mysterious and enigmatic in this picture, Peaches. It makes me want to shake your tree.

timoni said...

So cute! You did good with Tomato. :) Glad he/she is alive!

Marianne said...

I'm glad too! Wait till you see her in person - she is totally adorable :)