Friday, March 31, 2006

Oh, Craigslist, you are so priceless to me!

I found this while looking up Murky in missed connections. Because it's FUN!!

"I work from home... I'm a professional who lives on the Hill, and I struggle sometimes to find ways to break up my day. I hit the gym, go for walks, pop over to Eastern Market... but what I'd REALLY like to find is a sexy neighbor in a similar predicament who'd like to take occasional afternoon breaks with me. I don't have any crazy sexual fetishes -- though I am quite libidinous and creative -- so I'm not explicitly looking for anything bizarre. (Unless you find the thought of afternoon sex bizarre, in which case we're not a match.) I'm good looking, I'm told -- I have great eyes -- and definitely safe/safe and d/d-free.

If you're even a little bit interested, let's meet at, say, Murky Coffee to chat about the possibilities..."

I wish it was for Clarendon though, and not the Capitol Hill Murky, because I'm there almost every afternoon, and it'd be really entertaining to look at the couples that came in and speculate... ^_^

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