Thursday, July 21, 2005


I changed my blog's set-up. Obviously...

Now! On inspiration from 1. an e-mail conversation with Garth last night, and 2. an e-mail chain with Bible Study today, here are our names, with the different spellings, and their ranks as popular names! (*thanks to: the baby name wizard -

(Matthew takes the cake as most popular overall, and Ashley/Elizabeth wins for girl's)

1. Marianne: My name, spelled as I spell it, hit it's peak of popularity in the 1950s, when it was ranked the 183rd most popular girl's name. [Variations in spelling: Maryanne - 1950s, 152nd; Marian - 1920s, 69]

2. Kim: 1960s, 43rd in rank [variations in spelling: Kimberly - 1970s, 5th (!!); Kimberlee - 1960s, 213th]

3. Timoni: Timoni has never been in the top 1000 names since the 1800s, so I have no idea...

4. Finity: Same here, sorry! :(

5. Ashley: 1980s 4th!! (YOU WIN with highest-acheived rank!) [Variations in spelling: Ashleigh - 1990s, 217th, ashlee - 1980s, 177th]

6. Laura: 1960s, 16th [Variations in spelling: Lara - 1970s 323rd]

7. Liz: 1960s, 528th [Variations on spelling: Elizabeth - 1880s, 4th!! Tied with Ashley)]

8. Garth: 1960s, 571st [I don't think variations exist.]

9. Alicia: 1980s, 46th [Variations: Alisha - 1980s, 142nd, Elisha - 1980s, 449th]

10. Andrea: 1970s, 28th [Variations: Andria - 1980s, 714]

11. Chris: 1960s, 60th [Variations: Christopher - 1980s; #2!!!!; Kris - 1970s, 392nd]

12. Ginny: 1970s, 882nd [Variations: Virginia - 1920s, #7!]

13. Matt: 1960s, 271st [Variations: Mat - 1880s, 571st; Matthew 1980s AND 1990s: #3! YOU WIN!!!!!]


timoni said...

Dangit! I'm always last. At least Finity's there to keep me company.

If you go here:

It claims that "Xzavier," yes, "Xavier" with a useless "z," is more popular than Timoni. How is this EVEN POSSIBLE??!?!?! Sheer statistics should prove otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Oh Gosh-- Poor Lindsey didn't even get mentioned.

timoni said...

Heh, I just realized you already linked to the Baby Name Wizard. Oooops!

Marianne said...


I'm such an awful person; here goes!

Lindsey - reached its height of popularity in the 1980s, when it hit the whopping rank of.... 42nd!!!

The only variation of your name that ranks in the top 100, my darling lindsey, is "Lindsay" (1980s, 44th)

Ginny said...

Do you have another "Ginny" in your Bible study, or am I the "Ginny" you're referring to?

Marianne said...

YOU are the Ginny, of course! I still love you and think about you lots, despite you being forever away. You're like the most awesomest friend ever! :)