Saturday, July 23, 2005

Timoni's Idea, my answers

Timoni had this fascinating quiz posted, and on taking it, I got the same results as her (although I'm sure differnt answers to different questions :)

You Are 35% Normal

(Occasionally Normal)

You sure do march to your own beat...

But you're so weird, people wonder if it's a beat at all

You think on a totally different wavelength

And it's often a chore to get people to understand you


Anonymous said...

I got a fat 30.
I thought I'd be getting, like, an 80 with the way those questions were going.

What the hell, people?

~ & ~

timoni said...

Ha ha, me too! I was like, "Well, OBVIOUSLY everybody would pick this answer." I still wonder what questions everybody else would pick something else on.

Marianne said...

I, too, felt like I was giving obviously normal answers. Just goes to show that to ourselves we ARE normal! And if all that means is that I'm not a dave matthews fan, then fine. Consider me happily 35%!

Anonymous said...

I got that I'm 65% normal. But, people, what does this mean (no pun intended)? I have no idea! How are they calculating the results? A coworker sent me an email that says the following:
"Do you take life too seriously? Remember half the people you know are below average." No they are NOT! Actually, it's about 32% of people who are below average (NOT half, i.e., 50%). In a normal distribution, one standard deviation away from the mean in either direction accounts for about 68% of all X (people) in a group. What I'm wondering is how the "How Normal Are You" people, are applying basic mathmatical principles to normality. Are they using a normal distribution? And, if so, does my 65 percent normality score merely indicate that I'm in the first distribution outside the mean? If the answer to the previous question is yes, WHAT MEAN are they using. The mean of people who have already taken the quiz (in which case there are SERIOUS validity issues-- quite pernicious indeed)OR a random proability sample of 1500 people or more? If the latter is true, then:
1. the margin of error is plus or minus three percent so my score would be 62-68% (still one standard deviation away from the mean); and
2. the results would be valid, i.e, measure what they intend to measure, TO A HIGHER DEGREE, EXCEPT it would ONLY measure normalITy with respect to the 20 questions asked which are NOT a good measure of normality OVERALL. Said differnetly, the battery of 20 questions is NOT a valid indicator of normality overall.
Therefore, this test tells us NOTHING. It might even be possible that we know LESS than we did BEFORE we took the quiz.
That said, having met Timoni, Marianne, Garth, and, obviously, myself, I think we are all pretty freaking weird; however, I have serious doubts we would fall outside the first standard deviation from the mean in a comprehensive battery and I am, therefore, telling you, YOU ARE ALL NORMAL!! Sorry if anyone's disappointed.

Marianne said...

YES! We are totally normal, by a society's standard of normal. We do not do things such as... hating babies, eating insects, or burning down houses.

We are very, very normal :)