Thursday, November 03, 2005

The day has gotten better

The sky this afternoon was lovely.

I was cheerful this morning, then things went downhill. But they have recovered, and I am quite happy again - in part, I think, because tonight at Murky Coffee when I was sketching for my Modern Architecture and Design class (see the sketches below) two random guys across the table from me started telling me how impressed they were with my drawing skillz... and there's nothing like a good, old-fashioned compliment (or three or four...)to make you feel better about yourself, right? ^_^

Also, I had a nice excursion to Michael's and Goodwill today, where I bought a bunch more beads & a brand new (white, hard-covered, spiral-bound) sketchbook at Michael's. And then a lovely pair of new chucks at Goodwill. ALSO, I fell in love with:
1. a sky-blue chest of drawers (in picture below)
2. a set of (almost)Brno chairs (behind the chest in the picture below)
and 3. a hideous (but very awesome!!!) night-stand/cabinet (also in a pic below)

And that was my day!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

thought & humor... no offense, but what does that even MEAN?

& - I'll try my hardest to help you remember! We can stop by there on the way to Goodwill?